What are you leaving behind?

In times of crisis, many people think “it won’t happen to me.” There’s a reason for this, and a good one. It’s not healthy to worry all the time, and it’s natural to shield ourselves from premature grief and anguish.

One thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought into a sharp perspective is the reality that one day, you will be gone. Thousands of people across the country are already facing legal challenges they’re unprepared for, and what’s worse, the legal things that must be done after a loved one’s death often hit too soon for people to be able to handle both these legal burdens and their grief. Arguing over your loved one’s estate should be the last thing you have to deal with while you process their passing, and the way to ease this nightmare is to have a lawyer prepare a legally binding Will ahead of time.

Some would argue that having a legally binding Will is the most important part of your End of Life Planning, and we believe that having a plan is among the most impactful gifts you can provide for your family. Even during the COVID-19 crisis, we at The Law Office of Christopher Szeto are working remotely and are as dedicated as ever to taking care of homes and families, no matter what life throws at you. We are still giving our best efforts to your cases, and we are even making appointments by phone to continue to keep you safe. Click here to book your free consultation today.


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